
Member Annual Statements Coming Soon

SERS members will soon receive an annual statement in the mail reflecting their total employee contributions and service credit as of June 30, 2024.

The statement sent to members with over 10 years of service will include pension estimates. These figures are only estimates and are based upon the member’s continued employment in a SERS-covered position.

Some members may notice a message on their statement indicating they are impacted by the Contribution Based Benefit Cap (CBBC).

The CBBC is a tool used to identify and prevent pension spiking, or benefit inflation. It affects those with a retirement effective date on or after August 1, 2024.

The farther you are from retirement, the more likely you are to receive a message on your annual statement indicating that you are affected by the CBBC reduction. This is because the CBBC calculation uses only accumulated employee contributions and does not include projected future contributions. Many members will naturally move out of the CBBC reduction as they pay in more employee contributions and get closer to retirement.

For more information regarding CBBC, please visit SERS’ CBBC Explained page.

If you have ended your school employment and want to withdraw your SERS account, please visit to submit a request for a refund application. 

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