Wage Certification
Wage Certifications
Certified wages are completed in eSERS.
The district will receive an email notification when a member, retiree, or beneficiary files one of the following applications:
- Service Retirement
- Survivor Benefits
- Refund
- Reemployed Retiree Payment
- Disability Benefit (a certification is sent once the application is approved)
- Beneficiary Lump Sum
The notification is sent only to the Employer Web Administrator (EWA), and those assigned the “Wage Certification” role.
To see if your district has pending Wage Certifications, log in to eSERS and click “Certified Wages.” If your district has a Wage Certification to be completed, it will appear in the Pending Wage Certifications panel. Only complete the certification when you have the final payroll information for that employee.
Please refer to the eSERS Guide for further information on completing Wage Certifications through eSERS.