Updated Form SSA-1945 Available
The Social Security Administration has released an updated version of Form SSA-1945, the Statement Concerning Your Employment in a Job Not Covered by Social Security, due to the passage of the Social Security Fairness Act (SSFA).
Earlier versions of SSA-1945 discussed the effect of the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset on an employee’s potential future benefits. The SSFA eliminated the reduction of benefits for individuals entitled to certain pensions from work not covered by Social Security, starting January 2024.
However, it did not remove the requirement for state and local government employers to provide a statement to employees hired January 1, 2005, or later in jobs not covered by Social Security. This new version explains to an employee that non-covered earnings will not be used to determine eligibility to or calculate the amount of potential future benefits.
Moving forward, all employers must use this updated form for new hires. New forms are not required for existing SERS members.
If you have further questions, call us at 1-877-213-0861 or email us at employerservices@ohsers.org.